Beit Chana Tzfat Seminary
Registration Process


Thank you for your interest in applying to the Beis Chana Tzfas Seminary Chu”l (חו”ל: Chuts La’arets) program.

Registration for Beis Chana Seminary Chul program 5785 will be open from Yud Gimmel Teves until Chof Beis Shvat.


During the registration process you will be asked to upload different documents.

You can already start preparing the following:

  • Physician’s medical form (ask your doctor to fill it out, and sign it)
  • Copy of passport (its expiry date should be after the end of the upcoming school year)
  • High school diploma (or a letter from the principal, attesting that the student will be eligible for a High School diploma – pending the outcome of the tests)
  • Copy of the 9th-12th grades high school transcripts. It should also include marks of the 12th grade – first semester

Questions regarding registration can be emailed to:


With blessings for Moshiach’s immediate arrival,

Beis Chana Seminary

Beis Chana works in partnership with Masa Israel


Students not from North America and don’t come for the Kinus will be asked to schedule a Zoom interview (dates not yet determined).
You will be contacted prior to schedule a day and time.
Your registration process is done for now and you’ve received a confirmation email with your registration forms (you can close this website).

Wishing you all the best.

תלמידות שמתגוררות מחוץ לארה”ב וקנדה
ואינן מגיעות לכינוס השלוחות ויראויינו בZOOM
תאריכי הראיונות בזום עדיין לא נקבעו.
