B”H your interview was booked successfully and a copy was sent to your email address. Please record the date and time.
Arrive punctually for your interview at the allotted time slot. The interview process lasts approximately one hour, so plan your schedule accordingly.
The adress for the interviews in NY is 1394 President St. – left side, basement entrance.
If your interview is via Zoom, please accurately calculate the time difference between your location and Israel.
Make sure to bring with you:
BOTH your signed .pdf registration forms, received as email attachments, printed out in color
High School transcripts
Four ‘head shot’ photos
$50 cash
Much hatzlacha! May we merit greeting the Rebbe with the immediate Geula Shlaima.
Students not from North America and don’t come for the Kinus will be asked to schedule a Zoom interview (dates not yet determined). You will be contacted prior to schedule a day and time. Your registration process is done for now and you’ve received a confirmation email with your registration forms (you can close this website).
Wishing you all the best.
תלמידות שמתגוררות מחוץ לארה”ב וקנדה ואינן מגיעות לכינוס השלוחות ויראויינו בZOOM תאריכי הראיונות בזום עדיין לא נקבעו.