Book an Appointment

You successfully completed the registration process and may now proceed to schedule your interview.

There are two steps to set an appointment.
1. Choosing a Time Slot:
For students from NY and the vicinity, interviews will be held:
Thursday afternoon, 15 Shvat/Feb. 13th
Friday morning, 16 Shvat/Feb. 14th
Motzei Shabbos, 17 Shvat/Feb. 15th
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday mornings & afternoons, 18-20 Shvat/Feb. 16th-18th
Monday morning, 26 Shvat/Feb. 24rd
For students from North America but NOT from the NY area,  interviews will be held:
Tuesday – Thursday mornings & afternoons, 20-22 Shvat/Feb. 18th-20th. Sunday and Monday mornings, 25-26 Shvat (23-24 February)
If the interviews during these dates are fully booked, you may schedule your interview on a date designated for students from NY.
**Interview location: 1394 President St. Left side, basement entrance
Zoom interviews (only for students who are unable to interview in NY):
Tuesday and Wednesday, 11-12 Adar (11-12 March)
**The written exam will be held on Friday, 23 Shvat (February 21st) at 11AM in the lunchroom of Beis Rivka Crown St.


2. Payment:

$150. Pay $100 online to book the interview and bring $50 cash to the interview. (Zoom interviewers will pay $150 online). 
You will receive an email confirmation of your interview date and time.
You must bring the following with you at the interview:
  1. Passport pictures X4
  2. $50 in cash
  3. Your registration form (received as .pdf by email) printed in color
  4. High School transcripts


Questions or technical difficulties may be emailed to: .

.יהי רצון מהשם יתברך שנהיה כולנו מוכנים ועומדים בשורה הראשונה לקבל פני משיח, בב"א

ברכת הצלחה, מזכירות הסמינר


Students not from North America and don’t come for the Kinus will be asked to schedule a Zoom interview (dates not yet determined).
You will be contacted prior to schedule a day and time.
Your registration process is done for now and you’ve received a confirmation email with your registration forms (you can close this website).

Wishing you all the best.

תלמידות שמתגוררות מחוץ לארה”ב וקנדה
ואינן מגיעות לכינוס השלוחות ויראויינו בZOOM
תאריכי הראיונות בזום עדיין לא נקבעו.
