Hebrew date of birth
Family status
School 1
School 2
School 3
Current homeroom teacher
Please list summer camps and all volunteer work and experience that you have had.
Camp or Organization 1
Camp or Organization 2
Camp or Organization 3
Are you an Israeli citizen?
Describe the friends/people you feel closest with:
Describe your learning level:
I have studied Tanya
I am acquainted with Chasidic terminology
I can learn a Sicha on my own
I can understand a שיחה in Yiddish
I can prepare Chumash myself with Ramban
I study Chitas daily
and understand it


Students not from North America and don’t come for the Kinus will be asked to schedule a Zoom interview (dates not yet determined).
You will be contacted prior to schedule a day and time.
Your registration process is done for now and you’ve received a confirmation email with your registration forms (you can close this website).

Wishing you all the best.

תלמידות שמתגוררות מחוץ לארה”ב וקנדה
ואינן מגיעות לכינוס השלוחות ויראויינו בZOOM
תאריכי הראיונות בזום עדיין לא נקבעו.
